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Ξεκινάμε να μαθαίνουμε Online!

Creating software tailored to my games development gaming is a world entertainment phenomenon. The global games market is currently valued at $137.9 billion, by 2021 it’s expected to be worth $180 billion (Source, Newzoo). The programme is delivered through Coursera,…

 Πως να μείνετε παραγωγικοί!

Πως να μείνετε παραγωγικοί!

Creating software tailored to my games development gaming is a world entertainment phenomenon. The global games market is currently valued at $137.9 billion, by 2021 it’s expected to be worth $180 billion (Source, Newzoo). The programme is delivered through Coursera,…

 Επενδύουμε στη γνώση.

Επενδύουμε στη γνώση.

Creating software tailored to my games development gaming is a world entertainment phenomenon. The global games market is currently valued at $137.9 billion, by 2021 it’s expected to be worth $180 billion (Source, Newzoo). The programme is delivered through Coursera,…
